Wednesday, May 21, 2008

New features

Lots of work and less of posts, I know guys, but the work with my comics are taking more time than expected, I promise to post my progress. Right now I´m finishing the cover of the most recent one, and the hard work with "Max" seems to never end, big plans for this two stories, but that´ll happen later this year, also in the next days I´ll open a gallery and wallpaper section so I´ll want you to dress your desktop up with me, OK? :P
As you can see I´ve been in no relax state, but incredibly happy because huge projects are coming over.
While you are here you can vote at the lil poll I published.
See you in a couple of days and sorry for the lack of a graphic this time.


Sh@ney said...

Ahhh sweetie, that is so wonderful that porjects are keeping you away from blogging, it means life is moving in a good place for you.

I am sure when you have more time you will keep us up to date.

big hugs
And cant wait to see the gallery!


Y said...

I opened your poll,baby.I voted first.hehe

You`ll be forgiven after I see the galleries:)
So watch out!

Many,many hugs to ya too!

YvesPaul said...

We are talking about the foreskin post, right? That's always a very interesting topic.

ehirano said...

Sure I´ll keep you up to date :P Hugs to you too Shaney babe.

Hehe, for some reason I knew you were the first one to vote :P
Hugs and love Toni boy!

Yeah Paul we´re talking ´bout that, so I guess you already voted :P

Kisses to the whole gang!

Anonymous said...

Hello Ehirano I found your blog from Marco da Silva and saw the pictures you did of him and I had to check out more of your work and I love it your really good

All the best and keep up the great work

ehirano said...

Thank you Oscar
Right now I´m a lil busy, but I´ll keep on the posts as soon I have some time off. I´m really happy to have new visitors, come anytime you want, and thanks again :P

Sue said...

It is good to busy doing your art. I wish I was. But I have had migraines since I decided to focus on my art and have gotten very little done. So, I am jealous of you Ed! Your little poll seems to exclude women! Harrummph! That's okay. I will not be offended. I am just lucky I don't live in a country where they do female circumcision. Yuck and ouch! Keep up the good work and create something inspirational.

ehirano said...

Hello pretty Lady. I added a new poll just for the ladies :P sorry I didn´t do that before.
Yeah it´s good to be busy doing art, and believe me I know what you mean about the migraines, I have been scratching my head the whole weekend, last Friday I´d got a terrible mental block and my head started to ache really bad, the more I think the more I get stuck, so I decided to give my mind a break, feeling better but tired hehehehe.
See! don´t need to be jealous about it :P
Love and kisses Lady.