Saturday, May 3, 2008

The impatient slave and the calm master

In the right moment the slave spoke with a bright voice. What time is it?
The master stayed calm for a moment, then he opened his mouth, a sound like a whisper came out saying. Time to run my hands all over over you.
The room was just illuminated by a small desk lamp. The slave looked impatient as the hands of the master didn´t move, then he said. I want to see my face.
These words made the master smile for a moment. He stretched his arms at the time he was saying. Don´t you want to see your cock first? Probably your face is the last thing you´ll see.
Now the slave looked disappointed rather than impatient. He decided to change the subject in the hope of making things go faster. Is there any word I need to know before you start?
Gold. Said the master.
Why gold? why don´t...
You´re not supposed to ask questions, you´re not supposed to talk to me in the first place, The master interrupted him, waving his right hand up in the air.
Life´s beautiful, don´t you think? The things we´re not supposed to do are the things that bring us the best moments. The tension on the face of the master was now visible by the words of the slave. With furious eyes the master cried. I taught you that! those are my words. You know I can leave you right away, you could never see me again if I want to, I'm in charge here. You know that?.
For a moment the room got emptied of any sound, till the salve broke the silence saying. Sorry, I didn´t want to make you angry, I just wanted to show you that I learned from the master.
Be quiet, I can´t think with all that babbling, I want you not to move, not to talk, not to do anything. The master responded leaving the room in silence once again. After of what it seemed an eternity the salve said. My worst fear is to never be done.
The master took a deep breath and questioned. Did I ask you that?.
Yes you did.
The master continued with a very honest voice.I have the same fear every time I sit here. With the same honesty the salve told him. Yes, I know that, I´m a reflection of you.
What time is it? This time the master made the question.
Time to see my cock. The slave said.
Both smiled for the "made up" Deja vu till the master finally said. No. It´s time to color your life.


Click to enlarge.


Y said...

Oh,man,that was sooooooo beautiful,Ed!Amazing!
The graphic is terrific!I love how you made the waist muscles.One of your most beautiful works in my opinion.

Will this story be continued?

Muchos besos

Sue said...

This work is graphically very strong and the color scheme is wonderful. I really like how the brush is attached to the cock by a single line of paint; very clever. I also like the fine gold sheen on all of the objects in the work. What medium do you work with?

This is a very fine work Hirano. Congratulations.

ehirano said...

Thank you very much Toni. Your words always make me feel so happy :)

There´s a curious story
behind this illustration. I painted the torso some months ago, when I finished it I really don´t like it, at all. Actually it was going to be a complete figure, at least that was the plan when I did the sketch. When I started to colored it I just hate the way it looked, made a lot of changes but nothing seemed to work, so I just simply left it aside and I started with new project. Then last monday while looking for a graphic to make a post I found the torso, I looked at it and said. "You are my slave and I´m going to do whatever I want with you, stop being a revel" So there it was, one hour later it was finish. I thought it was nice to write this tiny story about it, with me as the charter of the master and the illustration as the slave. So dear Toni right now I have no idea if this story will be continued but knowing me, I´ll probably do something with it in the future.

Bear hugs and doggy kisses.
Thanks again :P

Y said...

Yay,I finally have a Master!
I`ve had Mistress Jessica(and I still have) for so many months:)hehe
But it`s more interesting with a Master too.Lol,hope Mistress Jessica won`t hear this,otherwise I`ll be introduced(as usually) to her whip:)*winks*

Very interesting background story,Ed.This is another one prove of my theory that all the great things happen by chance!At least to me.

Mhm,doggy kisses?Yeah,lick,lick back:)

ehirano said...

Thanks Petty Lady, I really apreciate your comments.

I work mostly digitally, I use Painter 7, Photoshop and Illustrator. The first thing I do is the sketch in paper, then I scan it, next thing I choose a palette of colors and after some hours of work, sometimes days or weeks I end up with what I show you here :P
I was thinking in making a post with the process of a work, from the initial idea to the final work. Make that later, promise.

Have a wonderful day.
Hugs and Love

Sh@ney said...

You are one talented young man, incredible use of the brush. Your detail is outstanding. Gosh between you & Sue, who needs picaso or da vinci...*winks*

Love your writing to, it is beautifully written.
big hugs to you my friend, catch you when we get back form Sydney.

ehirano said...

:P you´re such a sweet guy Shaney.
I´m far from being close to those "masters" but thanks for making me feel good :P besides...Mhmm...Let´s see, that´ll be "Picasue" and "ed vinci" LOL, sound like Pokemons, we better stay the way we are *Nudge nudge*

Have a great deal in Sydney big boy, I´ll want to know all the details when you get back.
Hugs and kisses.

Anonymous said...

Hope i'm not too late to comment on this post. Not only did I love the painting the story leading up to it was great as well, Is there anything you can't do? lol